I love your column! Words are so fun. I am a definite dululu when it comes to Cyclone sports. I know I make a difference just by believing in them. Oh, and psithurism is now in my poetic vocabulary. Thanks.

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The whole "I-believe-therefore-they'll-win" philosophy is baked into my DNA, too. And you'd think my long-suffering support for the MN Twins and the Vikings would have cured me of it. But noooooooo. Sigh. Glad you enjoyed the column!

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Oh my, what a delight this column is! Keep ‘em coming, Kurt.

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Thanks, Chuck. Your kind words are greatly appreciated.

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Love your words. I will remember and use a few (couple?) of them.

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Hooray. So glad when someone shares my interest. Thanks much.

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Shades of "Words", a frequent WSJ vignette by one Michael Gartner decades ago, inspiring the challenge to use the featured word at least once in casual conversation the day of publication--often a conversation-stumbler if not -stopper.

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Tough challenge! I DO remember seeing some of these, but have never been a hard-core WSJ guy.

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